It is with immense pleasure and gratitude that we share the latest news: ALBA Robot has closed a very important investment round!
The Cysero EuVECA fund, promoted by AVM Gestioni SGR S.p.a., jointly with Kilometro Rosso to support the development of the robotics and cybersecurity sectors, is the lead partner of a 2.636 million Euros investment.
Alongside Cysero fund, the round featured RoboIT – the National Technology Transfer Pole for robotics and industrial automation of CDP Venture Capital SGR – and Techstars, the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed.
With the capital raised in this round, we will have the resources to complete the development of our first product for the market and strengthen the team from the commercial and operational point of view.
We would like to thank Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi for assisting us and I3P for always supporting us.
It has been a long journey and we know we are only at the beginning, but knowing that so many other people believe of our project as much as we do is what gives us the right energy to keep going!
Press release
- Round di investimento da 2,6 milioni per la startup ALBA Robot: Il fondo Cysero di AVM Gestioni capofila, CDP Venture Capital SGR
- ALBA Robot incassa round da 2,6 mln guidato dal fondo Cysero. Partecipano anche RoboIT e Techstars, BeBeez
- Cysero (Awm Gestioni Sgr) e Kilometro rosso investono 2,6 milioni in Alba Robot, Industria Italiana
- 2,6 milioni di euro per ALBA Robot, Startup Business
- Round di investimento da 2,6 milioni per Alba Robot, Dealflower
- K&L Gates e Pavesio Negri-Clementi nel round da 2,6 milioni di Alba Robot, Legal Community
- Round da 2,6 milioni per la startup Alba Robot: capofila Cysero di Avm Gestioni, Finance Community
