We are proud to announce that ALBA Robot has been chosen to participate in the 2020 edition of Alexa Next Stage, a program organized by Techstars aimed at working with startups from all over the world enthusiastic about voice control, artificial intelligence and other enabling technologies.
The program will run from June through to mid-August and will be carried out virtually. It will cover topics like customer loyalty, team growth, product evolution and will provide access to Amazon and Techstars mentors.
We are very excited about this great opportunity and our team will work hard to get the best out of this program. We will keep you updated!
Press release
- Alba la sedia a rotelle tech, unica italiana nel programma di accelerazione di Amazon, Startup Italia
-Se la sedia a rotelle si muove con la voce: al via il progetto europeo, Economy Magazine
- La carrozzina intelligente «Alba» fa strada con Teoresi, Corriere della Sera
- Una startup torinese crea la sedia a rotelle comandata con la voce, Quotidiano Canavese